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Customer Testimonials

I came across “Lorna’s Legacy” quite by accident at the Garfield primary school fete and thought I would try it. It was mainly for my elderly German Shepherd, Cooper, who had been on some expensive stuff from the vet. We do not use that any more. Cooper has other problems to do with weakening of his back legs, but he used to lick his aching front ankles & knees, and he does not do that anymore. Blue, the old collie (they are both 12 years old) is still pretty agile, but I had noticed for a long time that he seemed to be very stiff when getting up from lying down. The vet kept saying no sign of arthritis (at the last check up he said there was some in his ankles). After a few weeks on Lorna’s Legacy Blue was noticeably more sprightly and getting up more easily. The dogs are not keen on the taste, so I mix it into their dinner with sardines, which are also good for them. I will continue to use Lorna’s Legacy as I feel both my dogs benefit from it, they are old and I want to make their lives as comfortable as possible.

Thanks Lynne.


I have a 12.5 years old Miremma dog. 6 months ago it started to be wobbly and weaker on its back legs.

I met Lynne at the Rokeby farmers market. I purchased Lorna’s Legacy powder and have been giving a tea spoon with every meal. The change was fantastic. The dog is more mobile and happier in itself.

Thank you Lynne, what a fantastic product.

Sam Cabbabe

Tarago Olives

Carol Brady of Jalorca Dalmatians says……...

“I am happy to endorse Lorna’s Legacy. I have used this product on my elderly dogs with great success over a period of nearly 40 years. My mother adapted this remedy from a human arthritis mixture to try to help her aging and arthritic Dalmatian, Tye. It was a resounding success giving the dog much needed relief and prolonging his mobility for further years. I have continued to administer the remedy to my older dogs when they start to show signs of arthritis. Time and time again the old dogs have noticeably improved whilst on this remedy.”

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